Beta is near, time to get hyped!

Discussion in 'Revelation News & Announcements' started by Konijntje, Oct 19, 2016.

By Konijntje on Oct 19, 2016 at 8:29 PM
  1. Konijntje

    Konijntje Leader CCT Leader CCT Revelation Member

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    Hello cupcakes and thanks for coming to this guild meeting.

    Here's the speech i gave this evening before the introductions :)

    Beta is coming very soon and i'd like everyone who can to play together with the guild.
    Test, evaluate and explore all the classes you are interested in and make sure you have a main character for when the game gets released.
    This is because beta is for exploring, taking it easy, getting to know the storyline etc. Because when the game comes out we will put in a timeframe where we expect people to reach a certain level, because again we are not a casual guild but a semi-hardcore/semi-casual guild. Dont worry though, the timeframe will be friendly to people will full time jobs.
    I'm not gonna go hardcore on beta's because there will be more then 1 beta's so i dont have to do everything over again, but the day before beta i expect everyone to start using teamspeak and hang out with your guildies as teamspeak will be our main communication platform. I will be using teamspeak and hanging out there starting tommorow. So all in all....get hyped up and take your time in upcoming beta but please- together with your guild on teamspeak.
    Remember we are Cupcake Thunder, a semi-hardcore social family guild that wants to be competive in end-game.

    I'm also still looking for a candidate for officer.
    While i can manage a guild on my own its quite a bit of work and i'd prefer to split that up a little bit ^^
    An officer is basicly an extension of the guild master. You also help recruit, set the right example and do administration paperwork where needed.
    If you're interested in that contact me and we can talk about in private.

    Thanks for reading and coming to our event! See you in beta and on teamspeak :D
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2016


Discussion in 'Revelation News & Announcements' started by Konijntje, Oct 19, 2016.